VI final event of the program ‘PrimROV: sea, science and robotics in Primary School’

The facilities of the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands in Taliarte welcomed almost a hundred participants on the occasion of the VI final event of the program ‘PrimROV: sea, science and robotics in Primary’ whose main objective is to promote and encourage scientific-technical vocations in children at an early age.

During the 2023-2024 school year, eleven primary schools in the Canary Islands have participated in this initiative which, in its last phase in the presentation of prototypes in PLOCAN, brought together a representation of students from CEIP Argana Alta and Virgen de los Volcanes in Lanzarote, as well as from CEO Islas Canarias and CEIP Príncipe de Asturias, Santa Bárbara, Santa Catalina and Tagoror in Gran Canaria.

Throughout the day, the students checked the functioning of the electronics, the buoyancy of the boats and their operability by means of a mobile application developed for their control. They also learned about PLOCAN’s mission and visited the underwater vehicle laboratory. At the same time, CEP Telde advisors Javier González Castellar and Ruth Débora Ramallo Roque, together with Raúl Hernández Aguiar from CEP GC Sur, gave drone and mBot workshops to the assistants. In addition, guided by Eugenio Gil, they were able to observe the sun. The event was an excellent opportunity for students to share knowledge, exchange ideas and experience, and strengthen their collaboration and communication skills.

The program focuses on the design and implementation of teleoperated robotic boats, working with students on computational thinking, programming, 3D design and printing, and the reuse of materials to promote sustainability and care for the planet.

The PrimROV program is implemented within the framework of the EDUROVs project with the collaboration of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, the Area for the Promotion of Scientific Vocations and Creativity (STEAM) of the General Directorate for Management, Innovation and Quality of the CEUCD of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, Physical Activities and Sports of the Government of the Canary Islands and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

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