Fleet of autonomous vehicles

The VIMAS (Vehicles, Instruments and Underwater Machines) base has a multidisciplinary fleet of state-of-the-art autonomous oceanic platforms and instruments. It is a permanent base for autonomous underwater and surface vehicles, as well as vehicles for visualisation at different depths.

The VIMAS base has the following equipment:

  • Slocum glider G3 (1000 m.) CTD, DO, TURB and FLU
  • Slocum glider G2 (1000 m.) CTD, DO, TURB and FLU
  • Seaglider M1 (1000 m.) CTD, DO, TURB and FLU.
  • SeaExplorer (700 m.) CTD, DO, TURB, FLU and HC
  • Wave Glider (SV2) CTD, DO, MET and PAM
  • Sailbuoy CTD, DO, MET, TUR, FLU and HC
  • ROV SeaBotix vLBV 950 (950 m.) TEMP, ALTIM, B/W and COL CAM, IMAG SONAR
  • ROV BlueROV2 (100 m.) TEMP, COLOR CAM

The base has dedicated mechanical and electronic equipment and tools, as well as workbenches and a test tank.

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