Marine operations service on the Offshore Ocean Platform

Marine operations service on the Offshore Ocean Platform

The Offshore Ocean Platform facility provides efficient access to the ocean at increasing depths in an environmentally sustainable manner. It offers its facilities for scientific and technological experimentation and research. Being on the edge of a continental shelf, it offers access to depths of up to about 600m, allowing for deep investigations and access to large water columns. On the other hand, by providing sleeping and living areas, it allows research to be carried out during a continuous 24/7/365 period.

Trials/tests can be carried out in three modes:

  • Remote: the experiment is carried out by PLOCAN technical staff and the user’s presence is not required.
  • Partially remote: the user accesses at some points during the experiment.
  • In situ: The user is present throughout the experiment.

A service of:

  • Installation of devices
  • Prototypes or new materials for ocean trials;
  • Sample collection;
  • Installation and removal, connection and handling in experiments and tests.

Finally, it should be noted that the services described are mainly associated with one facility, which does not exclude the possibility of requesting a specific service in any of the five facilities of which the PLOCAN infrastructure is composed. The consortium provides logistical support to users:

  • The preparation of devices prior to departure to sea, monitoring and control of devices, testing of devices, and recovery of devices.
  • Real-time monitoring and control of operations through visualisation of images and data generated by platforms and devices.
  • The offer of highly specialised training courses.
  • The preparation, adaptation and preliminary testing of prototypes.
  • Direct, fast and guaranteed access to the coastal and deep-water node.
  • Technical and logistical support for trials and operations in tank, confined and open water.
  • Multidisciplinary and sectoral technological cooperation with institutions and companies.

This service is mainly linked to the Offshore Ocean Platform facility.

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