Technicians of the Instituto Hidrográfico da Marinha and PLOCAN have successfully recovered from the NRP VianaCastelo ship a Seaglider-1K in the waters of the Aveiro Submarine Canyon after 25 days and 220 uninterrupted nautical miles of scientific-technical mission along the north Portuguese coast.
The glider, which was put into operation in the waters of Finisterre, belongs to the fleet of autonomous vehicles of PLOCAN and integrates a specific configuration of oceanographic sensorics for the measurement of biogeochemical parameters (temperature, salinity, pressure, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll and turbidity) of the sea water, between the surface and a maximum depth of 1000 meters, which has allowed the generation of more than one million records for each of the indicated parameters.
The activity aims to respond to the operational tasks of the European project EuMarineRobots, in which PLOCAN participates as a partner, as well as to the collaboration framework agreement that PLOCAN and the Hydrographic Institute of Portugal maintain, in order to increase ocean observation capabilities in the Central Eastern North Atlantic area, with special interest in the Macaronesian region, through the use of new generation autonomous technologies, aimed at obtaining greater efficiency and sustainability.
EUMarineRobots (EUMR), which is funded by the European program Horizon Europe, proposes an access-infrastructure for the deployment of a full-range of aerial, surface and sub-surface marine robotic assets, the combined value of which is far greater than the sum of their parts. EUMR opens transnational access to significant national marine robotics R&D assets across Europe.
The EUMR consortium comprises 15 partners from 10 countries who, collectively, can deploy a comprehensive portfolio of marine robotic assets with required asociaste support assets and expertise. The network is a strong and balanced grouping of globally distinguished key players with diverse, track-record of excellence across marine /robotic sectors. Partners are members of a wide variety of existing networks, and research infrastructure collaborations both formal and informal across Europe and the world. EUMR is a first stage in aggregating these networks and assets as world-leading for support and growth of a strong community of practice in marine robotics and marine. EUMR is a three-year project coordinated by the University of Porto.
Mission details on the glider data portal of PLOCAN.