The American Association of Underwater Glider Operators (UG2) has held its 2024’s Annual Assembly of members and users at the headquarters of the University of Michigan (USA), where about three hundred attendees have gathered representing research centers, universities, government agencies, etc. as members. The event has also had a significant presence and active participation of the industry sector (glider manufacturers and associated technologies -sensor and telemetry-) and members of similar initiatives from Europe (EuroGOOS) and Australia (IMOS)
A wide and diverse agenda of sessions with oral presentations, breakout sessions and round tables, together with a permanent scientific-technical posters exhibition, has allowed attendees to analyze a wide spectrum of topics of both a general and specific nature related to ocean-glider technology development and applications, as well as the procedures that enables to strengthen cooperation between member entities of the association in areas such as ocean observing, operations and services, training, best practices and data management, both nationally and internationally.
PLOCAN has contributed to the event in several sessions and discussions related to infrastructure management, marine operations, national and international collaboration networks, training, technological development and collaboration with the industry sector, etc. through oral presentations and the co-chairing of sessions. This, in turn, has allowed for dialogue in a particular way with collaborators from the academic field and with suppliers of the ocean-glider technologies that PLOCAN systematically operates through its VIMAS (Underwater Vehicles, Instruments and Machines) installation facility on operational activities in the form of missions (Mission Atlantic, EMSO-ESTOC, etc.) and training (Glider School) that the ICTS currently undertakes regularly in response to the demands of the research and industry community.