PLOCAN is pleased to invite you to the Final Dissemination Event of the WATEREYE project, which will take place on October 20th, at 9:30 am at PLOCAN facilities, where the main achievements of the project will be presented.
After three years of development, WATEREYE presents a solution proposal for cost reduction of maintenance and operation of offshore wind turbine towers, contributing to the increase in annual energy production.
In this project, the partners have developed a series of products, such as fixed and mobile ultrasonic sensors, a drone platform, prediction and visualization software, among other tools. For more information, please, visit our website:
The project is financed with European funds, receiving more than 4.7 million euros distributed among the nine partners of the consortium led by the CEIT Research Center in the Basque Country, including Delft Dynamics and the University of Delft (TUD) from Holland; Semantic Web Company from Austria; SINTEF Industry and SINTEF Energy Research from Norway; Flanders Make from Belgium; and COBRA and PLOCAN fromSpain.
To participate in face-to-face format, register here until October 7th.
For online participation, register using this link.
Limited capacity. Registration will be in order of arrival.
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email to join the workshop.
We look forward to your assistance!