Conference on the relationship between science and marine policies in the EU by Luis Valdés at PLOCAN

Luis Valdés Santurio, researcher of the Santander Oceanographic Center of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, proposed the development of a flow chart with the structure of the Periodic Table in order to to group all the institutions, organizations and agencies involved in the European marine governance during a conference on the relationship between science and marine policies in the EU held in the facilities of PLOCAN in Taliarte.

Luis Valdés Santurio, PhD in Biology by the University of Oviedo, joined the Spanish Institute of Oceanography in 1983 and he directed the Gijón Oceanographic Center until 2008. Nowadays he is the Head of the section of Ocean Sciences of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. He gave the conference on “The ocean governance as you have never been told: a guide to not lose yourself in science and marine policies in the EU”.

During the conference Luis Valdés highlighted the fact that there is a great number of institutions, organizations and entities involved in the European marine governance, which consists of a broad and complex set of policies, laws and agreements at a regional, national and international level.

This situation, as Luis Valdés explained, generates confusion and a question that is difficult to answer: who speaks on behalf of the ocean? In order to answer this question, Luis Valdés proposes a flow chart with the structure of the Periodic Table, which classifies all the agents in a systematic and relational manner, in order to be used by the managers and scientists during the development of the projects for maximising results.

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