PLOCAN’s autonomous ocean-vehicles fleet annual contribution to the ocean observing strategy

The fleet of autonomous ocean-vehicles of the Canary Islands Oceanic Platform (PLOCAN) has carried out various scientific, technical and training missions in 2024, totaling 133 days of sea-operations, with a navigation record of approximately 1.800 nautical miles, highlighting operations conducted in the waters of the Azores and Lisbon, and across the North and South shore


Annual Meeting of the Spanish Committee of Glider Operators (CEOG)

The Canary Islands Government delegation in Madrid hosted this week the annual meeting of the national Working Group on ocean gliders, currently joined by five institutions: AZTI (Basque Country), IEO/CSIC – Spanish Institute of Oceanography/Council for Scientific Research ( Madrid and Santander), SOCIB – Coastal Observation System (Balearic Islands), ULPGC – University of Las Palmas


International leading ocean-sensing manufacturers meets at PLOCAN

The European project Metrology for integrated marine management and knowledge transfer network (MINKE) held a work session within the framework of the 14th edition of the Glider School hosted by the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) MINKE, led by the Institute of Marine Sciences of the Spanish Research Council (ICM-CSIC) and joined by


PLOCAN’s VIMAS fleet monitors the waters of Tazacorte within the framework of the DELTA project

The surrounding waters the new lava deltas on the coast of Tazacorte (La Palma island) keeps hosting diverse studies of different scope by the national and international scientific community, which represents and converts this area into a natural laboratory of unique characteristics for the development and application of ocean sciences and technologies, the context in


PLOCAN joins the Annual Meeting of the American Underwater Glider Operators Association

The American Association of Underwater Glider Operators (UG2) has held its 2024’s Annual Assembly of members and users at the headquarters of the University of Michigan (USA), where about three hundred attendees have gathered representing research centers, universities, government agencies, etc. as members. The event has also had a significant presence and active participation of


PLOCAN contribution to the IUGC2024 international conference on glider technologies

The headquarters of the Voice of the Ocean (VOTO) Foundation in Gothenburg (Sweden) hosts the biannual international conference on autonomous marine glider technologies (from English, glider), under the name IUGC2024, with the attendance of nearly 200 delegates representing user groups and operators worldwide, and the leading manufacturers of this type of cutting-edge ocean-observing systems. The


Transnational access to PLOCAN’s VIMAS fleet within the framework of the European project JERICO-S3

The Setubal Submarine Canyon waters (Sesimbra, Portugal) have been the scene where technicians from the Instituto Hidrográfico da Marinha (IH) and PLOCAN have put into operation an underwater glider from the NRP Andrómeda in order to undertake a four-weeks scientific mission within the framework of the JERICO-S3 project. The activity, called CBONDEX-TNA, is a transnational


Kick off the seasonal ocean-observing glider program 2024 in the Canary Islands

PLOCAN, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) continue to promote and strengthen their collaboration in the ocean-observing strategy in the Canary Islands through the seasonal program based on glider missions at the Time-Series station ESTOC (deep node of the PLOCAN Integrated Observatory) and Deep Radial


PLOCAN at the closing meeting of the European project GROOM-II

The National Oceanographic Center (NOC) of the United Kingdom headquarters hosted the General Assembly of partners of the EU’s project GROOM-II (Gliders for Research, Ocean Observations and Management: Infrastructure and Innovation) convened by its coordinator, ARMINES, and to which PLOCAN, Spanish national representative, together with the rest of the consortium members (CNRS for France, CSCS


PLOCAN’s fleet of autonomous marine vehicles increases its operational activity by 30% in 2023

PLOCAN’s fleet of autonomous ocean vehicles has carried out multiple scientific, technical and training missions in 2023, totaling 242 days sea-operations, with a navigation record of 3,200 nautical miles, among which highlight deployments and operations conduced in the Azores, Madeira, Lisbon, the island of La Palma and in the North and South strip of the

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