Pupils participating in PRIMROV test their prototypes at PLOCAN

The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands hosted the final prototype test of the “PrimROV: sea, science and robotics in Primary School” project. This event was attended by almost a hundred students from different schools on the islands, who had the opportunity to test the robotic boats they built during the academic year in the PLOCAN pools.

The main objective of the PrimROV project is to introduce schoolchildren to the fascinating world of science through the design, construction and control of robotic boats using technologies such as 3D printing, programming with free software and hardware, and a mobile application.

Students from the following schools: CEIP Taibique (El Hierro), CEIP Parque Natural de Corralejo (Fuerteventura), CEIP Federico García Lorca, CEIP Giner de los Ríos, CEIP Néstor de la Torre, CEIP Tagoror, CEIP Argana Alta (Lanzarote) and CEIP Parque La Reina (Tenerife), had the opportunity to test their creations.

During the tests, the students verified the buoyancy of the boats, evaluated the functioning of the built-in electronics and checked their operability through the mobile application developed for their control. This hands-on experience allowed them to apply the knowledge acquired during the year and gain a deeper understanding of the scientific and technological principles involved in the construction and operation of the robotic boats.

The meeting was an enriching experience for both the participating students and the organisers and collaborators. This type of initiative demonstrates the importance of promoting science education from the early stages of schooling, awakening the curiosity and interest of young people in knowledge and careers related to science and technology.

The PrimROV project, promoted by the Department of Education in collaboration with PLOCAN and the Department of Economic Development, Energy Sovereignty, Climate and Knowledge of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria within the framework of EDUROVs, has the fundamental objective of bringing 5th and 6th year primary school pupils in the public schools of Gran Canaria closer to the marine environment and encouraging their interest in scientific vocations and information and communication technologies (ICT). EDUROVs seeks to promote the construction of robots using low-cost materials, free software and hardware, in order to bring students closer to science and technology in a practical way and stimulate possible professional vocations in the field of technology.

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