The European Ocean Observing System EuroGOOS, an association of national government agencies, research institutions and private companies committed to operational oceanography in the context of the Intergovernmental Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) held at its headquarters in Brussels and in person, the annual general assembly of members.
EuroGOOS represents the European chapter of the Global Ocean Observing System of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) under the auspices of UNESCO, and which currently chairs the GOOS Regional Partnerships Forum.
Founded in 1994, EuroGOOS consists of 47 member entities from 18 European countries that provide operational oceanographic services and carry out marine research using the latest technology. EuroGOOS is registered as an international non-profit association under Belgian law and its headquarters base in Brussels. The objectives of EuroGOOS focus on identifying strategies, cooperating, co-producing and promoting the value of operational oceanography for society. Together, through EuroGOOS, its members and partners improve European capacity and competitiveness at a global level in the various sectors related to ocean observation.
The meeting has engaged delegates of the set of member institutions, together with the leaders of working groups (WG and TT) and the regional ocean observation systems (ROOS), all under the coordination of the EuroGOOS steering committee.
PLOCAN’s contribution to the assembly included the annual balance of the EU glider capacity and activities from a group of more than thirty operator institutions as EuroGOOS Glider Task Team, under coordination of PLOCAN.
The work agenda has enabled to address tasks of different scope, highlighting the detailed review of progress in scientific-technical terms by the WG, TT and ROOS; the nomination and approval of new members; economic balances; training and dissemination actions; cooperation within the framework of European projects, the definition and implementation of future strategic lines, among others.