The person in charge of the Observatory of the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands, Eric Delory, has presented a paper at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 entitled “Critical technologies in the in situ observation of the oceans”.
One of the objectives of the session has been to raise the direct interaction between early career ocean professionals (ECOP) and leading researchers, academics, engineers and industry experts who are solution providers and manufacturers of sensors and other ocean science kits.
Furthermore, the session sought to study the needs of ECOPs in their respective areas of work and referred to how to develop solutions in consultation with the relevant industries, fostering this dialogue to build a bridge between the needs of professionals starting his career with engineers and solution providers, with the participation of the entire audience.
In this sense, it has set the example of the accelerated technologies and solutions that are needed to meet the objectives of the “United Nations Decade for Ocean Sciences” and how industry can help develop adequate solutions for it taking into account the needs of the ECOPs, thus adhering to the philosophy of the Decade “oriented towards the search for joint solutions”.
Industries can also offer existing solutions on a voluntary basis or offer cost-effective solutions, especially to researchers from economically backward countries, accelerating the pace of ocean science in these regions.
Leading researchers can point to data sources they have, or freely available resources that can help the ECOP community. The following specific topics were discussed: new sensors and technologies, calibration, standards and best practices, software, offshore structural design, safety, capacity building methods, etc.