One hundred university students of the Peritia et Doctrina Association visited the land-based facilities of PLOCAN during the XVIII International Conferences on Senior Programme Associationism, an annual meeting between Senior University Associations associated to public and private universities of the European Union. Its 2019 edition has been organised in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
The International Conferences coordinator, Víctor Manuel Girona Quesada, led the meeting at PLOCAN. The responsible for the Underwater Autonomous Vehicles Area, Carlos Barrera, explained the activities and objectives of the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands.
The university students visited the LT1 laboratory which includes the underwater robotics devices of PLOCAN, where they learnt more about the scientific and technical equipment used in PLOCAN, like the marine gliders or the underwater Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs).
The attendants were interest in the training, the collaboration of PLOCAN with the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the tests that are developed at the Test Site, including the marine wind turbine prototype developed by the ELICAN project. Moreover, they received information about PLOCAN’s contribution to ocean observation in the Canary Islands, Macaronesia and the North Atlantic.