JONAS Kick-off Meeting in Barcelona

As partner and work package leader of the JONAS Project, Eric Delory atended the kick-off meeting held in Vilanova i la Geltrù (Barcelona) on the 2nd and 3rd of May 2019. JONAS aims to address the risks of acoustic pressures on biodiversity, focusing on sensitive receptor species in the North Atlantic, by streamlining ocean noise monitoring and risk prediction.

Cost-effective approaches to monitoring and modelling noise across the Atlantic Arc (OSPAR regions) will be developed, appropriate to the scale of anthropogenic pressure and biodiversity mobility. JONAS will address real-time noise management at local scale in particularly sensitive areas and support policy partners to develop regional-scale approaches that benefit vulnerable biodiversity and support MSFD implementation. The value of JONAS will be maximized by creating an innovative common operational platform, and providing maritime decision support for real-time adaptive management of sensitive marine areas.

For more information please visit the project website :

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