Students of the BIMeTIC Master of the ULPGC visit PLOCAN

Students of the Master’s Degree in ICT Solutions – Information and Communication Technologies – for Well-being and the Environment (BIMeTIC) of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) visited the land facilities of the PLOCAN headquarters together with some of their teachers.

The BIMeTIC Master addresses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the field of Well-being and the Environment, covering topics related to the so-called Internet of Things, IoT. It is an eminently practical Master, transversal in contents and applications, suitable for a wide spectrum of engineering, science and health-science degrees.

The visit is part of the didactical contents of the master’s degree and its main goal is to inform the students, in addition to know the facilities of the land-based headquarters of the infrastructure, the capabilities, working lines and both operational and training scientific-technological activities that PLOCAN currently carries out, as a potential professional opportunity linked to the field of ICT and with application in the marine and maritime sectors.

The BIMeTIC Master has 8 years of experience, after its approval in 2013 by the Council of Universities. More information:

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