5th call MaRINET2 – Providing support for offshore renewable energy developers

MaRINET2, the Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network for Enhancing Energy Technologies, launches the fifth and last call for proposals to provide free access to the offered infrastructures. The call is open from 1st of September to 16th of October 2020 and will run the approved test programmes operation between 18th of January and 17th of July 2021. PLOCAN Test Site is one of the facilities that are offered to test proposals related to offshore wind, wave or cross-cutting issues.

MaRINET2 network is composed of 39 organizations who collaborate to progress offshore renewable energy technologies in Europe, and its main objective is to accelerate the development of wave, tidal and offshore wind energy technologies and infrastructure by opening up access to 57 test facilities in 13 European countries. MaRINET2 is a project supported by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 Program and funded with €10.5 million, from which PLOCAN gets 85.500 euros financed at 100%, and it builds on the original MARINET one, which ran from 2011 until 2015.

The first four MaRINET2 calls awarded €4.8 million in free testing access, delivering over 400 weeks of free-of-charge testing at the MaRINET2 network of facilities. For more details you can contact with PLOCAN (marimar.villagarcia@plocan.eu) and/or visit MaRINET2 web page http://www.marinet2.eu/facilities/application-procedure/

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