PCMA: Programme for the observation and environmental monitoring of the concentration of power generation devices at the PLOCAN test bed.

The main objective of the project is the development of a programme for the observation and environmental monitoring of the concentration of power generation devices at the PLOCAN test bed. This objective is part of the set of regular activities aimed at the observation and environmental assessment of the marine environment, including aspects of design, implementation, data generation, assessment and production of useful information for the management and administration of marine renewable energies. This information is made available to companies and public administrations interested in the field of marine renewable energies.

The focus is therefore on the real-time and permanent monitoring of all the activities that will be carried out or will be carried out around the Electrical and Communications Infrastructure of the PLOCAN Test Bed and the Underwater Transformer Station. To this end, an operational and environmental monitoring plan is established that will contribute to a more detailed understanding of the interaction between the constituent elements of an offshore power generation network and its effects on the surrounding marine environment.

In this respect, the observation programme will make it possible to study different methodologies for the operation and management of the structural elements that make up the network (cables, wave converters, observation instruments, etc.). In particular, methodologies for working with divers and remotely operated vehicles may be studied. On the other hand, it will allow the monitoring of key environmental parameters, such as generated electromagnetic fields, facilitating the testing of different sensors and sampling methodologies, which will subsequently contribute to a better assessment of the effects generated on the marine environment.

Program and Call for proposals

Infraestructuras científicas y técnicas singulares cofinanciadas por el Programa Operativo Fondo Tecnológico del FEDER

Start date


End date


Duration in months



800.000,00 €

Cost for PLOCAN

800.000,00 €

Total funded

640.000,00 €

Financed for PLOCAN

640.000,00 €





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