EGO-COST: European Gliding Observatories Network

The main objective of this action is the coordination of ongoing research using gliders and the conception of future research, to operate fleets of autonomous underwater gliders to provide cost-effective methods for ocean discovery and monitoring at global, regional and coastal scales for the benefit of both basic oceanographic research and operational applications for marine activities.

Underwater gliders are smart and affordable platforms useful for long-term multi-parameter marine observation. They play an important role in current and planned marine observation networks. Deployed in a cluster, they provide near real-time data of high spatial and temporal resolution that will efficiently fill the gaps left by existing in situ observation networks based on other marine platforms such as the profilers in the ARGO network. This will benefit both oceanographic research and the operational oceanography systems on which a large number of marine activities currently rely. However, the deployment of glider groups requires highly skilled operators and a sophisticated level of cooperation.

The objective of the European action “European Gliding Observatories” is to build cooperation at scientific, technological and organisational level for a European capacity for sustained observation of the oceans with underwater gliders.

EGO-COST: European Gliding Observatories Network

Program and Call for proposals

OST. European Cooperation in Science and Technology

Start date


End date


Duration in months



12.307,88 €

Cost for PLOCAN

12.307,88 €

Total funded

12.307,88 €

Financed for PLOCAN

12.307,88 €


ENSTA ParisTech - École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (FR)


Países : BE - CY - DE - ES - FI - FR - GR - IE - IL - IS - IT - NO - PL - PT - SE - UK

Project website

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