PLOCAN participated in the First International AtlantOS Symposium, which supports an All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System. Furthermore, it has highlighted the end of AtlantOS project in order to start the UN (United Nations) strategy ‘Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development’ (2021-2030), including the Paris Declaration on All-Atlantic Ocean Observing.
The First International AtlantOS Symposium has been celebrated between 25th and 28th of March at UNESCO headquartes in Paris with the participation of 62 partners from 18 countries of both sides of the Atlantic.
During the Symposium the successful results obtained during the project were presented and the transition from the AtlantOS project to an All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System was formalised.
PLOCAN particated in this Symposium in the presentation of the results related to shared infrastructures and interoperable tools, and as an Spanish representative in the All-Atlantic Ocean Observing strategy, discussing about the regional observation networks, including the Macaronesian network.
The AtlantOS Project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme by virtue of Grant Agreement nº 633211.