At the 3rd Conference of Presidents, the Autonomous Communities and the State, in the context of the need to promote science, research and new technologies in Spain, agreed on the Map of Singular Scientific and Technical Facilities (ICTS), which forms part of the scientific policies included in the Ingenio 2010 programme. 24 new facilities are approved, one of them being the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN).
The Council of Ministers agrees to start the implementation of the ICTS Map with the implementation of 10 new ICTS out of the 24 initially proposed.
The specific collaboration agreement is signed between the MEC and the Canary Islands Autonomous Community for the creation of the “Consortium for the design, construction, equipment and operation of the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN)” and the first meeting of the Governing Council is held. During the second meeting of the Governing Board it is agreed to start the selection process for the director of the Infrastructure.