PLOCAN announces the 15th Glider School edition

The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) convenes the 15th edition of the Glider School, an international reference training forum in ocean-glider technology, to be held from October 20th to 24th in Telde, Gran Canaria. The period application submission is already open until June 30th. More information through the event website The didactic


XIV PLOCAN Glider School

The Ocean Vehicles Unit (VIMAS) at Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN), organized the 14th edition of the Glider School, an international initiative to promote the knowledge and development on marine autonomous vehicles and the consolidation of PLOCAN as a gliderport facility for the Eastern Central Atlantic. In the 14th edition, which has had


PLOCAN announces the XIV Glider School edition

The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) announces the 14th Glider School edition, a leading hands-on training forum on ocean-glider technologies, scheduled for October 21st to 25th 2024 in Telde, Gran Canaria (Spain). The period for submitting applications to attend will remain open until June 30th. More details at Didactical contents will cover


PLOCAN at Oceanology International 2024

ICTS-PLOCAN has actively joined the XXVI edition of Oceanology International (Oi24) held in London as a biannual world reference forum on ocean-observing technologies, a clearly emerging sector in the marine-maritime context and the Blue Economy strategy. As an international leading forum, Oi24 has had a large exhibition of more than 500 stands that for three


PLOCAN’s fleet of autonomous marine vehicles increases its operational activity by 30% in 2023

PLOCAN’s fleet of autonomous ocean vehicles has carried out multiple scientific, technical and training missions in 2023, totaling 242 days sea-operations, with a navigation record of 3,200 nautical miles, among which highlight deployments and operations conduced in the Azores, Madeira, Lisbon, the island of La Palma and in the North and South strip of the


XIII PLOCAN Glider School

The Marine Autonomous Vehicles Area (VIMAS) of the Canary Islands Ocean Platform (PLOCAN) organized the 13th edition of the Glider School, an international initiative for the improvement of knowledge and development of marine autonomous vehicles and the consolidation of PLOCAN as gliderport infrastructure in the North of the Atlantic. Students from Nigeria (FUTA), Brazil (National


Selection of students for the XIII edition of the PLOCAN Glider School

The XIII edition of the PLOCAN School of Autonomous Marine Glider School (“Glider School”) will bring together students from Norway, Italy, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, USA, United Kingdom, Brazil and Spain, together with the main manufacturers of commercial ocean gliders technologies, keeping its commitment as international benchmark for highly specialized training in this type of autonomous

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