WIP10+: Wind Integrated Platform for 10+ MW Power per Foundation

The WIP 10+ project will demonstrate at sea and on a significant scale a fully integrated floating wind energy platform, Wind2Power, with two wind turbines of up to 6 MW each and which is also capable of accommodating additional functions due to its size.

The objectives of the innovation are:

  • Provide a floating base for high wind capacity.
  • Optimise operation and maintenance (O&M) procedures.
  • Demonstrate that cost reductions are possible by acting on both capital and O&M.
  • Improving the management of marine space.

The project addresses the need for cost reduction in offshore wind energy by providing a light but large semi-submersible platform with the capacity to house two 5-6 MW wind turbines for a total of 10-12 MW per platform.

The specific expected results are: validation of numerical and laboratory estimates of forces and motions, testing of engineering design including moorings and wind platform. In a broader sense, the expected results are: survival of the platform in winter conditions in a real marine environment, quantification of the cost reduction compared to two floating wind turbines, and optimisation and validation of specific installation, operation and maintenance procedures.

WIP10+: Wind Integrated Platform for 10+ MW Power per Foundation

Program and Call for proposals

ERA-NET COFUND H2020 / DemoWind ERA-NET Cofund Action / Joint Call 2015. Topic: Offshore Wind, Topic 2 - Floating offshore turbines

Start date


End date


Duration in months



1.420.760,00 €

Cost for PLOCAN

40.200,00 €

Total funded

758.000,00 €

Financed for PLOCAN

40.200,00 €




EnerOcean (ES) - Ingeteam Service (ES) - Ghenova Ingeniería S.L. (ES) - Tension Tech International LTD (UK)

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