RIS3_NET2: Common Strategy of the MAC Space as a reference for the elaboration of transregional RIS3 Strategies.

To make Macaronesian society and its professionals aware of the implications of a RIS3 and the existence and importance of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of the MAC Space in order to achieve greater alignment of projects with the established development priorities, greater participation of these regions in cooperation projects, etc.

RIS3_NET2 is a project that proposes to work along three main lines:

  1. To enhance the value of the analysis and planning developed in the drafting of the MAC Smart Specialisation Strategy by means of specific actions.
  2. To position the MAC Space as a reference in the elaboration of Smart Specialisation Strategies by being the first to carry out this cooperation between three regions.
  3. To make Macaronesian society and its professionals aware of the implications of a RIS3 and the existence and importance of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of the MAC Space in order to achieve greater alignment of projects with the established development priorities, greater participation of these regions in cooperation projects, etc.

To this end, it will implement an action plan, pilot actions for each priority and awareness-raising and training actions, which will in turn feed into other cross-cutting activities.

RIS3_NET2: Common Strategy of the MAC Space as a reference for the elaboration of transregional RIS3 Strategies.



Program and Call for proposals

Programa de Cooperación Territorial INTERREG V A España-Portugal (MAC 2014-2020) / Cooperación TRANSNACIONAL: EJE 5 Mejorar la capacidad institucional y la eficiencia de la administración pública / PI.11.a Mejorar la capacidad institucional de las autoridades públicas y las partes interesadas y la eficiencia de la administración pública mediante medidas de refuerzo de las capacidades institucionales y de la eficiencia de las administraciones públicas y de los servicios públicos relacionados con la aplicación del FEDER. 2ª Convocatoria.

Start date


End date


Duration in months



509.897,43 €

Cost for PLOCAN

144.624,30 €

Total funded

433.412,83 €

Financed for PLOCAN

122.930,66 €


Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (GOBCAN) (ES)


ACIISI (ES) - ITC (ES) - PLOCAN (ES) - ARDITI (PT) - FRCT (PT) - DRCT (PT) 3os Países: NOSI (CV)

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