OCEANLIT: Management of coastal protected natural sites affected by marine litter in oceanic archipelagos

OCEANLIT’s overall objective is to “reduce marine litter, helping to conserve and restore coastal and marine protected natural areas in oceanic archipelagos”.

The project will have an applied approach to contribute to reducing this waste based on three specific objectives:

  • SO1: generate knowledge, solutions and tools for waste characterisation and monitoring to help decision-making on reducing waste and minimising its environmental impact.
  • SO2: promote the improvement of waste management facilities and the involvement of professionals, users, port managers and administrations in the integration of marine litter into waste management systems.
  • E3: to raise awareness and sensitise professionals, users and the general public through communication actions, campaigns, dissemination of good practices and success stories.
OCEANLIT: Management of coastal protected natural sites affected by marine litter in oceanic archipelagos

Program and Call for proposals

Programa de Cooperación Territorial INTERREG V A España-Portugal (MAC 2014-2020) / Cooperación TRANSNACIONAL: EJE 4 Conservar y Proteger el medio ambiente y promover la eficiencia de los recursos / PI.6.d Protección y restauración de la biodiversidad y del suelo y fomento de los servicios de los ecosistemas, incluido a través de Natura 2000 y de infraestructuras ecológicas. 2ª Convocatoria.

Start date


End date


Duration in months



1.383.676,18 €

Cost for PLOCAN

77.160,51 €

Total funded

1.176.124,74 €

Financed for PLOCAN

65.586,43 €


Cabildo de Gran Canaria (ES)


Cabildo GC (ES) - Viceconsejería MA (ES) - CETECIMA (ES) - PLOCAN (ES) - EPE PC (ES) - SEO BirdLife (ES) - SRARN (PT) - SRAP (PT) - ARDITI (PT) - APRAM (PT) - SPEA-Madeira (PT) - DRAM (PT) - DRP (PT) - SPEA-Azores (PT) 3os Países: BIOS.CV(CV)

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