MAWADIPOL: Prevention and Management of Specific Pollution and Rescue Risks linked to the maritime cooperation area and the coastal zone in the MAC macro-region.

In MAWADIPOL, a series of actions aimed at increasing effective coordination at regional level, through alignment with international standards in the fields of marine environmental protection, maritime and coastal rescue and response to marine pollution hazards, are intended to be carried out in the MAC cooperation area, increasing regional response capacities to natural and accidental marine pollution risks affecting the cooperation area through the use of ICTs and innovative technologies and strengthening the capacity for planning and implementation of shore-based assistance to large passenger vessels, as well as increasing risk prevention on beaches through a communication strategy to the local population and tourists.

MAWADIPOL: Prevention and Management of Specific Pollution and Rescue Risks linked to the maritime cooperation area and the coastal zone in the MAC macro-region.

Program and Call for proposals

Programa de Cooperación Territorial INTERREG V A España-Portugal (MAC 2014-2020) / Cooperación TRANSFRONTERIZA: EJE 3 Promover la adaptación al cambio climático y la prevención y gestión de riesgos / PI.5.b Fomento de la inversión para abordar los riesgos específicos, garantía de resiliencia frente a las catástrofes y desarrollo de sistemas de gestión de catástrofes. 2ª Convocatoria.

Start date


End date


Duration in months



839.000,00 €

Cost for PLOCAN

156.800,00 €

Total funded

713.150,00 €

Financed for PLOCAN

133.280,00 €


Dirección General de Seguridad y Emergencias (ES)


DGSE (ES) - PLOCAN (ES) - CETECIMA (ES) - ULPGC (ES) - EPE PC (ES) - Radio ECCA (ES) - SRPCBA (PT) 3os Países: SNPCB (CV) - IMP (CV) - Puerto Autónomo de Nouadhibou (MR) - ANAM (SN)

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